Eternal Rogue: Dungeon RPG - Apps on Google Play
Turn-based roguelike dungeon adventure RPG game enjoyable by easy operation.

Eternal Rogue: Dungeon RPG
- Story
A dungeon whose contents change every time it enters.
There is a very rare treasure that sleeps.
But there are an enormous number of very horrible mons...
v1.26.0 (Aug 17, 2024)
- Added “20:Old Well Dungeon” to main dungeon
- Fixed bugs
v1.25.0 (Aug 13, 2024)
- Added Tier 17 to Tiered Dungeon
- Fixed bugs
v1.24.3 (Aug 12, 2024)
- Fixed the issue that the hard mode of “19:Marsh Dungeon” was not treated as “Cleared” even if all stages were cleared
- Fixed the typo of text of Sorceress’s research
v1.24.2 (Aug 10, 2024)
- Increased the number of buttons on the item type selection dialog
- Fixed the bug that “Seeds of Training” type items not recovering the Fullness
v1.24.1 (Aug 8, 2024)
- Added item count display to item button
- Fixed bugs
v1.24.0 (Aug 5, 2024)
- Added “19:Marsh Dungeon” to main dungeon
- Added Stage 4 of Weird Dungeon
- Added Calamity Dungeon 3
- Added New Job
- Added “Earn Proficiency Exp” to time-limited dungeon
- Added difficulty “s-ext.” to some time-limited dungeon
- Added water place as terrain of dungeon
- Changed icon of Treasure Box
- Added the new status “Augmentation”, “Hardening”, “Debilitation”, and “Softening”
- Added new items
- Added the feature to save history when executing “Put All” at Vault
- Added the feature to draw lottery in batches at a Lottery Shop
- Improved enable to check Notice/Challenge from the dungeon status
- Improved display of monster details
- Other minor UI improvements
- Updated Ad SDK
- Fixed various bugs
v1.23.1 (Mar 21, 2024)
- Updated Ad SDK
- Fixed other bug
v1.23.0 (Apr 28, 2023)
- Added “18:Bastille Dungeon” to main dungeon
- Added New Job
- Fixed bugs
v1.22.1 (Jan 2, 2023)
- Fixed the enemy appearance settings in main dungeon 17-4
v1.22.0 (Dec 30, 2022)
- Added “14:Gold Mine Dungeon” to main dungeon
- Added “15:Old Castle Dungeon” to main dungeon
- Added “16:Tower Dungeon” to main dungeon
- Added “17:Dry Well Dungeon” to main dungeon
- Added New Job
v1.21.1 (Dec 22, 2022)
- Fixed some banner ads with audio output
- Fixed other bug
v1.21.0 (Dec 14, 2022)
- Added Tier 16 to Tiered Dungeon
- Added Stage 3 of Weird Dungeon
- Updated Ad SDK
v1.20.2 (Nov 15, 2022)
- Fixed bugs
v1.20.1 (Nov 10, 2022)
- Fixed bugs
v1.20.0 (Nov 7, 2022)
- Added “13:Tunnel Dungeon” to main dungeon
- Added Tier 15 to Tiered Dungeon
- Added New Job
- Added “Feather” as a reward for clearing Time-limited Dungeon
- Added Feather Exchanger
- Added “Teleportation Machine” as dungeon machine of Tier Dungeon
- Adjusted recover animation of Heal Chameleon
- Updated Ad SDK
v1.19.0 (Aug 25, 2022)
- Added “12:Volcano Dungeon” to main dungeon
- Added New Job
- Added display of current time and battery level
- Improved the title screen to show that you have received a login bonus even if you are still exploring the dungeon
- Tweaked the display of breeding monsters on the dungeon mini-map
v1.18.3 (Jun 14, 2022)
- Fixed the bug that when the breeding monster is defeated in a dungeon, its EXP and Lv. returns to before entering the dungeon
- Fixed other minor bugs
v1.18.2 (Jun 2, 2022)
- Added shortcut button for invoking skill
- Fixed issue that the special skill [sometimes warp by attack] of the breeding monsters is not activated
- Fixed other minor bugs
v1.18.1 (May 6, 2022)
- Added the feature to receive Challenge Achievement Rewards in bulk
- Adjusted parameter of Day Dungeon
- Updated map of Town
- Fixed bugs
v1.18.0 (Mar 31, 2022)
- Added New Job
- Fixed bugs
v1.17.0 (Jan 19, 2022)
- Added New Job
- Added “Gather Magic Stones” to Sunday dungeon
- Added “Gather Feeds” to Saturday dungeon
- Fixed bugs
v1.16.1 (Jan 5, 2022)
- Added On/Off setting for rod button and throw item button display
- Added the feature to remove inherited skills
- Improved to specify the number of feed for feeding a breeding monster
- Fixed bugs
v1.16.0 (Dec 11, 2021)
- Added New Job
- Fixed bugs
v1.15.1 (Nov 27, 2021)
- Fixed the problem of throwing items and magic stone items that being able to possess more than the maximum number, and changed the maximum number of those items to 9999
- Improved to enable select 10 items in bulk for selecting multiple items
- Improved to enable open the door of the treasure room by tapping the door if you have the key
- Fixed freeze bug that is caused by taking a breeding monster into a dungeon in some cases
- Fixed other minor bugs
v1.15.0 (Nov 19, 2021)
- Added “11:Snow Mountain Dungeon” to main dungeon
- Added New Job
- Fixed bug about the effects in the dungeon
- Fixed other minor bugs
v1.14.2 (Nov 5, 2021)
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.14.1 (Oct 30, 2021)
- Adjusted the appearance rate of Treasure Box in Time-limited Dungeon
v1.14.0 (Oct 29, 2021)
- Added Calamity Dungeon 2
- Added New Job
- Added the feature to synthesize rods in bulk
- Fixed bugs
v1.13.3 (Oct 25, 2021)
- Rods and throwing items can now be equipped, and a shortcut button for activating them has been added
- Added a search button to the item list, which is shown when there are many pages
- Fixed bugs
v1.13.2 (Oct 20, 2021)
- Fixed the reward setting of ads displayed after clearing dungeon
- Improved the handling of Lottery Shop
- Fixed bugs
v1.13.1 (Oct 16, 2021)
- Added item lock function to prevent misuse of items
- Added the ability to select multiple pans and grasses and use them in bulk
- Fixed bug that count of skill related challenge isn’t incremented in some cases
- Fixed other minor bugs
v1.13.0 (Oct 13, 2021)
- Added “10:Snow Dungeon” to main dungeon
- Added New Job
- Changed the format of ads displayed after clearing dungeon
- Fixed bugs
v1.12.1 (Oct 5, 2021)
- Improved some UI
- Fixed a problem about loading dungeon data
- Fixed other minor bugs
v1.12.0 (Sep 25, 2021)
- Added Job Skill Feature
- Added Skill Shop
- Added Calamity Dungeon 1
- Added New Job
- Fixed bugs
v1.11.0 (May 10, 2021)
- Add Daily Challenge
- Add Lottery shop
- Fixed bugs
v1.10.1 (Mar 10, 2021)
- Fixed bugs
v1.10.0 (Feb 13, 2021)
- Added Stage 2 of Weird Dungeon
- Enabled to put in all items at once at the Vault
- Fixed bugs
v1.9.1 (Nov 29, 2020)
- Improved the problem where swapping places with breeding monsters in dungeon was inconvenient
v1.9.0 (Nov 17, 2020)
- Added Tier 14 to Tiered Dungeon
- Fixed bugs when using items
v1.8.5 (Oct 10, 2020)
- Fixed bug
v1.8.4 (Oct 2, 2020)
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.8.3 (Sep 30, 2020)
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.8.2 (Sep 22, 2020)
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.8.1 (Sep 17, 2020)
- Fixed bug that some reward of “Assist Research” can’t be obtained
- Fixed bug about breeding monster’s behavior in dungeon
- Fixed other bugs
v1.8.0 (Sep 15, 2020)
- Implemented “Assist Research” in the sorceress’s house
- Enabled to take your breeding monsters to dungeons
- Fixed some bugs
v1.7.2 (Jun 13, 2020)
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.7.1 (May 1, 2020)
- Fixed bugs about the display order of unidentified items
v1.7.0 (Apr 28, 2020)
- Added Stage 1 to Weird Dungeon of Expert Dungeon
- Fixed bugs
v1.6.5 (Apr 3, 2020)
- Added Tier 13 to Tiered Dungeon of Expert Dungeon
- Fixed bugs
v1.6.4 (Mar 23, 2020)
- Fixed bugs
- Adjusted parameter
v1.6.3 (Mar 19, 2020)
- Added Tier 12 to Tiered Dungeon of Expert Dungeon
- Adjusted parameter of Day Dungeon
v1.6.2 (Mar 16, 2020)
- Fixed bugs
v1.6.1 (Mar 2, 2020)
- Added Tier 11 to Tiered Dungeon of Expert Dungeon
- Adjusted parameter of Main Dungeon
- Fixed bugs
v1.6.0 (Jan 21, 2020)
- Added Expert Dungeon
- Added Tier 1-10 to Tiered Dungeon of Expert Dungeon
- Fixed bugs
v1.5.8 (Oct 5, 2019)
- Fixed bug that file extension of backup data is not correct
v1.5.7 (Oct 2, 2019)
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.5.6 (Aug 27, 2019)
- Changed name of some items
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.5.5 (Aug 17, 2019)
- Improved the display of the message window by colored text
- Added automatic backup and automatic recovery process in case of data corruption
- Fixed other minor bugs
v1.5.4 (Jul 26, 2019)
- Fixed bug that EXP is not increased by using item of Seed of Luck series
- Fixed bug that level up bonus of job is not applied properly in some cases
- Fixed other minor bugs
v1.5.3 (Jul 23, 2019)
- Fixed bugs
v1.5.2 (Jul 20, 2019)
- Added “9:Pyramid Dungeon” to main dungeon
- Changed name of some items
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.5.1 (Jul 2, 2019)
- Fixed bug that count of challenge of unlocking jobs isn’t incremented in some cases
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.5.0 (Jun 20, 2019)
- Implemented job change system
- Added job specific weapon items
- Changed name and icon of some items
- Added “Hard mode” of main dungeon
- Fixed some bugs
v1.4.9 (Jan 29, 2019)
- Updated help
- Fixed minor bugs
v1.4.8 (Jan 11, 2019)
- Added feature to adjust header layer position (workaround for problem that header is covered by banner ads)
- Added feature to give up exploring dungeon
v1.4.7 (Jan 10, 2019)
- Fixed bug that menu of Sorceress’s house is opened in some cases by closing item list
v1.4.6 (Jan 10, 2019)
- Implemented the feature of removing item attributes of Sorceress’s house
- Implemented Encyclopedia
- Changed some enemy names and images
- Changed enemy’s special attack not to invoke continuously
v1.4.5 (Jan 2, 2019)
- Changed grower shop to enable to reduce time by watching video ads
- Changed smith to enable to train again by watching video ads
- Added a sorceress’s house
- Added temporarily unlock of day dungeon other than the corresponding day at sorceress’s house
- Added items to ticket exchange shop
- Fixed some bugs
v1.4.4 (Dec 14, 2018)
- Changed reward of Video Ads to Star Stone x 5
- Released Rank 26 to 99
- Changed limit of Lv. from 99 to 999
- Changed limit of HP from 999 to 9999
- Changed to pack items for bread, grass, scrolls and keys at Vault
- Changed max item number of score ranking to 50
- Fixed some bugs
v1.4.3 (Nov 23, 2018)
- Fixed bug that new use can’t play
v1.4.2 (Nov 22, 2018)
- Added extreme level to time-limited dungeon
- Added new items
- Fixed some bugs
v1.4.1 (Oct 9, 2018)
- Fixed bug that the challenge about money can’t be progressed by picking up minus money
- Fixed bug that long notification message isn’t displayed properly
- Added On/Off setting for “auto turn when attacked”
- Implemented feature of data backup and data restore for iOS
v1.4.0 (Sep 30, 2018)
- Added language selection of Japanese/English
- Improved operability about grower shop and synthesis shop
- Improved display about large value and remaining time
- Changed to turn to enemy when got attacked
- Changed to display app version on Misc Menu
- Added link to privacy policy
- Fixed bug that HP will be reduced if restart app while playing on dungeon
- Fixed bug that the item that can’t be synthesized is enable to select
v1.3.0 (Sep 16, 2018)
- Added Help menu
- Enabled to select multiple items at Shop and Ticket Exchanger
- Adjusted speed of auto-move
- Adjusted parameter of dungeon
- Fixed crash bug about copying User Id
- Fixed bug about remaining time at Cultivation
v1.2.0 (Sep 12, 2018)
- Adjusted time slot of time-limited dungeon
- Added feature for taking user Id
- Fixed some bugs
v1.1.0 (Sep 5, 2018)
- Fixed issue about max value of lv, power, wisdom, deftness and max hit point.
- Changed to sort automatically items of inventory.
- Added some items to “Other menu”:
v1.0.2 (Sep 2, 2018)
- Fixed some bugs.
v1.0.1 (Aug 30, 2018)
- Fixed some bugs.
v1.0.0 (Aug 30, 2018)
- First release.